*Traveled to the far state of Alaska to visit my sister and her hub. SUCH a long travel day- but Oh-so-worth it! It was cold and snowy and perfect Alaska. I can't wait to go back.
*Adopted a sweet little Calico kitten- named Caris (Care-iss). A now loved member of our family- my Bella loves her new BFF.
*Began running again- in hopes of doing another Half Marathon in Virginia Beach in September.
*Celebrated turning 26 *sigh* and 6 years of marriage. We are still wanting to actually "do" something to celebrate this. A vacation is on the horizon!
*Surpassing my hope to not only run a Half Marathon in September, but running another in November and a Full marathon- My FIRST ever in December. The 26.2 decal is proudly displayed on the back end of my cute little car.
*Speaking of cars- sending a shout out to my Focie- my previous car lasted me 6 glorious years. We were actually on our way to Lowe's - the wonderful land of Home Improvement when the transmission died. I mean- POP, it was dead. Not the way I wanted a simple Sunday afternoon to go- but alas, I have a sweet new ride.
Closing out 2010, I was so blessed. And AM so blessed. A loving husband who listens to me gripe daily, who helps me when I can't walk after long runs and after my marathon. He is such an amazing man, coach and superfan. A wonderful family- who listen to me blabber about running and act like its the first time I have ever talked about it. A job, a house and a life that sometimes I take for granted. Thank you 2010 for giving me all of these things.
I am so ready for 2011. New goals, new outlooks, new adventures.
I don't really set "resolutions" for myself, but I do set goals. I have learned over the past 2 years (yes it took me 20+ years to learn this about myself) that I am very goal driven.
Here are those that made the cut:
1. Improve my Half marathon time by atleast 15 minutes.
2. Renovate our bathroom and office. We are serious DIY'ers and these are the close to the last of our projects.
3. Travel the world! Marking more places off my list come April & December.
4. Improve my marriage. No matter how great you are- there is always room for improvement. Coming up on 7 years- I hope to become a better wife and a better person. One who is patient and one who is a better listener. Though- I could be more patient if clothes could actually make it into the hamper. Okay- pretend like that last sentence wasn't there. Who knows- maybe it made his list of goals for the new year. Is that laughing I hear?
5. To become better friends with those I am friends with. I am a true believer you don't need a ton of friends, just a few really great ones.
So there ya have it my followers- my hopes for the coming year.
Until next time-