For now, we travel, do what we want at the drop of a hat and love on our furry babies. We currently have a dog and a cat and I love them like they are my children. Yep, I'm one of those.
Bella is a Yorkie-Pomeranian aka Porkie and Caris (Care-iss) is my rescue calico sweetbabylovechild. I have had both since they were babes...Bella for 7 years and Caris for a little over a year. They are BFF's...which is a stark difference from when I first brought Caris home. Bella is EXTREMELY jealous...I mean seriously- jelly bean is her middle name.
But we got through it- and now they love each other.
The husband is NOT an Iloveanimalsmorethanpeople person like I am. If I had my way- I would have my own version of a Dr. Doolittle farm- saving animals from the hands of the horrible people of the world. (And I must admit I am a bit disappointed I did not get a pair of goats for my birthday. But that's a post for a different day.) However, he has been wanting a "big" dog for years. Yes, years. As in, at least 3. I usually ignored that comment...saying " We don't have the money for that" or " we would need a huge fence" or " I can't deal with a puppy right now"...
Somewhere along the way- I agreed to make the leap. Jump into getting this "big" dog.
One of the reasons I climbed on board, was for protection. Aside from owning a gun (yep- we're those kinda people too) I wanted another deterrent in my life. Bella is convinced she is part Mastiff mixed with Great Dane and her heart would protect me from anything. But lets face it- 10lbs is not alarming or deterring. And if you happen to have a tennis ball in your pocket? Well, she'll pretty much pack her bags and move in with you. A big 100 pound pile of Iwilleatyourfaceifyouevenblinkatmymomma is what I wanted.
So we decided to start looking for what we wanted. And we found him.
Meet our sweet, baby boy...
We decided on a German Shepherd for many reasons...they are horribly smart, they love their families something fierce, are great around children and other pets (when socialized properly) and are amazing protectors- especially when trained. No, we did not rescue him. I wholeheartedly believe in rescuing - we just chose not to for him. So in the event you're feeling overly opinionated, just go ahead and put your judgy pants away. MmmmK?
We have been preparing for him to come home for a little over a month and he comes home this Wednesday. To say I am apprehensive and nervous is an understatement. We are going to be introducing him and Bella in park on neutral territory and kind of make it a very long play date..except he just won't ever leave.
Fingers crossed he is happy and the other children don't try to run away.
Until next time...