Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Thanks to this hottiemchotterson for this idea...



I am a HUGE book lover. And am sadly not reading one right now...because I am waiting for this one to hopefully be in my stocking. Or under the tree. Or somewhere with my name on it.

Current Playlist
OH get ready for this one. I rarely listen to music- and yes, my commute is about 40min each way. BUT, lately I have been rocking out to these boys..
OH yes, I just went there. And I know all the words.

Current Drink
I am in serious love with sparkling water and a wedge of lime right now.

Current Food
Cucumbers soaked in apple cider vinegar with pepper. Seriously- I adore.

Current Favorite Show

Current Needs
 To be enveloped in Christmas. 

Current Triumph(s)
Being up in the gym, workin' on my fitness 5-6 days a week. In winter. Go me.

Current bane(s) of my existence
Feeling like I am stuck in a hamster wheel.

Current celebrity crush
Channing much?

Current #1 blessing
That this sexy beast (who I have to admit, completley rivals Channing) is healthy.

Current indulgence
I have to stop eating these.

Current outfit
Sorry- no pics of this mess. But I can tell you that I am wearing:
White NorthFace Fleece, Pants from Express, Sweater from American Eagle. Yes, its "Cold, Casual Tuesday."

Current excitement
Being reunited with none other than my beauts. PLEASE tell me they aren't gorgeous.

Current mood

Current favorite holiday decoration
Ms. Gorgeous.

Current #1 item on your wishlist
These please.
Current new year's resolution
To be debt free. Booyah.

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